Monday, February 18, 2008

Our First Ride at the New Farm!

Well this weekend we had some really whacky weather and on Saturday we had rain, marble size hail, lightening and wind. But alas on Sunday the sun came out and it was a beautiful day. So Reilly and I decided to go riding for the first time at our new farm in Lockhart, TX. We walked out to the pasture where the mares were basking in the beautiful sunshine... This first photo is Nikki and Kohela.
This next photo is of Prima Bella KA - one of the most winning Straight Egyptian Arabian Mares in the country in both halter and performance. Today Bella just hangs out at our farm having fun and being played with by us and having foals. She is my favorite riding horse because she is so calm and reliable on her feet. And you will notice that she is ALWAYS listening to me to see if I have anything important to tell her.

Oh I have to warn you that the photo quality in these photos isn't the best. That is because I am using a little digital camera and I'm usually either walking around or riding a horse. In both of these scenario's its hard to be still to take a photo... So this next photo is of Reilly walking Brenna to the barn to be brushed. All the mares rolled in the mud on Saturday and were filthy. We just brushed them up and away we went... Finally saddled and up Reilly is having a great time riding Brenna through the big pasture....

I tried to get a photo of myself, but since Reilly didn't have a camera - all I could get is my shadow! I have alot more to tell you about our ride, but for now I must go to bed! More tomorrow!

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