Friday, September 14, 2007

Wedding, Babies and a New Farm!

Well it has just been a very busy time lately.... Last weekend I was at Michael Byatt Arabians photographing David and Amanda wedding. It was extremely beautiful and a total blast. They are just such wonderful people. I felt like I knew them all my life. Judy Guess was my guest and actually helped me photograph the wedding. I had a problem with my flash and borrowed Judy's camera. Thank God she saved the day (or night as it would be!). I just love Judy Guess. She is a really stellar person. In order to prevent disaster from strking again - I bought a Canon D30 as a backup... Also went to Precision and had my camera recalibrated. My feet are feeling better so I should be good to go. I need to take care of a number of photo shoots that are backed up. There was one casualty at the wedding and that was that my cell phone slipped down an air vent in my car - lost forever... So since the iPhone came down $200 I went ahead and bought one and I just LOVE it!!! Its so fun!

My lunging halter, surcingle and english saddle pad arrived from Schneiders and Dover. Tomorrow I'm going to use them on Special for the first time! I can't wait to ride him! Marilyn Lang came down and we went over to see Special... She was here when we found out the big news that Nikki is in foal to Special!!! What an awesome baby this should be!!! So we will have 2 babies next year!!! Both will be Ali bred! Maaria was not PG - and today was day 15 and Dr. Garza checked her. I'm sending her up to Kehilan so she has fresh semen from Makhnificent.

Bella was not pg, and so we are going to just breeder her next year. I'm wondering who I'm going to use the *Shahir EBC on....??? And I'd like to breed Brenna to Solstice - we shall see.

The big news today is that we put a contract on a new farm... Its 30 acres and just beautiful... So Assuming that things go well with our financing - we are going to be moving to Bastrop!!! I'm so excited - this has been a dream for many years!!! I can't wait for the first "Open House". Here is a link to the "Virtual Home Tour"

The pastures are just incredible at this place and in fact the lady who lives there now - actually bales hay off her land...

So our closing date is 10/19 - right before US Nationals!! I LOVE Reilly for going for this dream of mine!!

Good night!



Robin said...

Oh my goodness CONGRATULATIONS!!!! First on Special's upcoming foal with Nikki and secondly on buying your very own farm!!

Wow what wonderful news!

Robin :)

kathy said...

Well, no wonder I haven't heard from you!! Congrats on your farm!! I wish you all the luck & look forward to seeing you soon. SOOO, how is Special????