Saturday, August 25, 2007

Making Special Babies!!!

Well today was an exciting day! I was up really early and headed over to the clinic to check on my girl's and My Maaria who now belongs to my friend Mohammad who lives in Dammam, Saudi Arabia. I had to look in on Bella as she had a bad reaction to a banamine injection and we were planning on inseminating her today with semen from Special. Dr. Fling gave Bella penicillin and DMSO, and it dramatically reduced the swelling of the injection site and she seemed about normal. So with that we agreed to go ahead with the insemination....

So I drove to go get Special over at Terrasano - a beautiful farm in Driftwood. I went into his stall and gave him his peppermints and told him we were going to go make special babies. He looked excited about this. Again - I think he speaks english! So I brushed him all up and sprayed him. And I got to brush out his beautiful black mane which I had just washed and conditioned last night - so it was nice and shiny and soft today.

He loaded right up into the trailer in 2 seconds flat and appeared to be smiling! No kidding - the horse knew something good was going to happen. Off we drove around the corner to Dr. Garza's. When we were ready we led Special up to Bella for some good old fashioned teasing - and Special was not excited!!! Poor Bella. I guess she was not his type! Or maybe it was that she kept pinning her ears back at him - and it was a "buzz kill".

So... we figured - we have another mare in heat - Maaria who was there to be bred to Makhnificent KA for her new owner - Mohammad. Special didn't get turned on to Maaria either! I'll tell you - we were really surprised that we had two mare's both in raging heat - and they couldn't tease him. Maaria kept spinning around instead of focusing on Special, and he liked to really deal with a mare who will touch him and make him feel "special".

So... Dr. Garza brought out Bonnie - and old Thoroughbred mare who was not even in heat, but who was safe and "easy". And who focused on special. Bonnie apparently new all the right moves and made things very easy for Special. In a few minutes - Special was excited enough to turn around and jump on the dummy and gave us a good collection of highly concentrated semen. Even with 25ml we had enough for 5 doses! It was only 25ml because it took a few times to get a hold of special's you know what and get it into the AV. But once in - he was good to go and a happy camper! Of course the vets were also relieved too. :-)

We got Bella inseminated and I walked her for a while so she wouldn't push anything out. So that was all good.

Then the Fedex man arrived with an equitainer for Maaria and we inseminated her as well - did some walking and she was all done as well. Maaria had a 44 follicle and was very hot and ready to go. So keep your fingers crossed for her!

I took Special home and he was very happy and content - and we all felt like we had a good day and are hoping for a Special baby and a Makhnifient baby for Maaria...

Can't wait to find out if either mare took!!! More soon!

Attached are photos of My Maaria, Bella and Special...


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