Sunday, August 26, 2007

This is August 26th news..

Today was Sunday and there was not a whole lot of news because I had to do other work today. But Dr. Fling did call to tell me that Maaria's follicle was very soft and he expected ovulation soon and that he gave her an hcg shot the day before the semen arrived.... So that was a good sign.

Bella was still holding with her follicle so thank goodness for Special having that semen that lasts so long. Nikki was not yet bred since she is not ready - but should be soon.

Other than that I've been scoping out larger farms so we can expand our facility - with the help of Russ Taylor. We are thinking we may just move half way between Austin and Houston (but closer to Austin) - perhaps Bastrop will be the place for us.

Tomorrow will be a long day - I have an 8am meeting with Deloitte, then a 9am meeting, and lots of work to do for my trip to Missouri next week. I should also have some more news about the farm the Reilly and I saw and liked...

And I'm going to call the doctor and get a second opinion as to how to remove my bone spurs so my feet don't hurt so much... Its really starting to get a bit old limping around like I'm 80!

On the photography front - Arabians LTD put a multi page ad in the Arabian Horse World Magazine and I had the first page which featured a really stunning photo of Mishaal so that was very very exciting. Also Leslie Nord took out a 2 page ad also in this month's World and the large photo (full page) is mine. AND I had some very very exciting news that I now have the honor of being one of the "contributors" in the Arabian Magazine.

I thought it might be appropriate to thank God for his blessings and say a prayer - so here goes:

Dear God - thank you for getting us through the bad things over the past few years, and bringing us some wonderful times. Forgive me for all the things I need to be better at. I will work on my shortcommings... sorry for the really silly things I focus on that I know are not that important in the big scheme of life.

And please pray for my family - in particular my parents as they make a big life transition. Thank you for giving me such great parents and friends. Please help all of the people out there who need your guidance, support and love.

Thanks again - and Amen.


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